Buyer profile


Answer the operational programs

Answer the OP: "Electricity and coordinator of standard balancing group for the purposes of oil and gasexploration and production Plc"

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Public call ID 9020810

"Development and implementation of a system for managing health and safety in accordance with BS OHSAS 18001:2007 project 051RO001 BG-02.03.03-0670

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Documentation for participation in an open procurement

Documentation for an open procedure for awarding a public procurement contract "Electricity and coordinator of standard balancing group for the purposes of exploration and production of oil and gas Plc"

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Documentation for participation in an open procurement

Documentation for an open procedure for awarding a public procurement "Cementation of casing drilling of prospecting for oil and gas P-2 Iskar-West"

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"Oil and Gas Exploration and Production" Plc (c) 2014
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